============================================================================ PRE-WAR (AIR) PCC STREETCAR SOUNDS PROJECT This Sound Project was developed by Fred Miller for use in DCC controlled models of Pre-War (Air) PCC Streetcars. ============================================================================ Project: PCC-I.SPJ Developed 8/24/10 SDF: PCC-I.ASM ============================================================================ (A) Function Key Definitions ============================================================================ F0 Headlight (Motor Decoder) F1 Continuous Warning Gongs F2 One/two Gongs F3 Available (Motor Decoder) F4 Door Open/Close (when not moving) Track Squeal (when moving) F5 Available (Motor Decoder) F6 Mute all sounds ============================================================================ (B) Sound FX defined CV's: ============================================================================ CV3 Accelerate Momentum [0] CV4 Decelerate Momentum [0] CV8 Default Reset [9] CV58 Master Vol 0-15 [15] CV60 Sound Scheme [0] CV132 Notch Rate [64] CV135 Mute Volume [0] CV140 Motor/Track Sounds[45] CV141 Gong Volume [64] CV142 Air Compressor Volume [64] CV143 Door Sounds Volume [64] CV144 Farebox Clink Volume [64] CV145 Voice Sounds Volume [64] CV146 Track Squeal Volume [64] CV147 Time between Compressor runs (2 sec incr) [60] CV148 Compressor run time (2 sec incr) [10] CV149 Author ID 0xFC - Freds Carbarn [252] CV150 Project - PCC-1 [4] CV151 Gong Count [3] F2 1 or 2 Gongs, 3 auto start w/2 gongs ============================================================================ (C) General Notes ============================================================================ This Project was developed to add sounds to a Pre-war (air) PCC Street car such as the Con-Cor HO PC equipped with a Digitrax SFX sound decoder, e.g., Digitrax SN144 Motor/Sound decoder or a Digitrax SoundBug in parallel with any motor decoder. - Track Sounds will reflect the throttle speed settings. - Air Compressor sounds will cycle on/off based on CV settings. - F1 issues continuous warning Gongs - F2 issues one or two trolley gongs depending on CV151 setting. - When the streetcar is NOT moving F4 On/Off will issue PCC door open/close sounds accompanied with random farebox and operator comments. When the car is moving, F4 will issue track squeal sounds. - F6 Mute all sounds - Other Function keys are available for Motor Decoder use, e.g, headlights, etc. The overall sound volume is controlled by Master Volume CV58. Other individual sound volumes are set by CVs listed above. The Default for CV58 is 15 but can be set 0-15 from a Throttle or the simulated throttle in SoundLoader. Individual sound volume CVs can be set 0-64. A setting of 1 effectively turns off that sound. The software for this Sound Project was developed by Fred Miller. Original Sound clips were graciously loaned by Carl Schultz of Transit Gloria Mundi. Although the sound clips were substantially edited by Fred Miller for use in the Digitrax SFX Sound Decoders, ownership of the original sounds remains with Transit Gloria Mundi and cannot be reproduced without permission. This Sound Project was developed for the trolley modeling community and the PCC-I.SPJ project file can be shared without charge.